今天,三姨来了我的家。她送了我两包从香港买回来的marshmallow 。她说这些marshmallow 都很特别,因为里面是有馅料的。所以,身为"marshmallow 迷"的我,当场就开了来吃。果然是超好吃的~~~我突然觉得整个人好像轻飘飘那样~~~噢买尬~~~太好吃了~~~
Friday, February 19, 2010
今天,三姨来了我的家。她送了我两包从香港买回来的marshmallow 。她说这些marshmallow 都很特别,因为里面是有馅料的。所以,身为"marshmallow 迷"的我,当场就开了来吃。果然是超好吃的~~~我突然觉得整个人好像轻飘飘那样~~~噢买尬~~~太好吃了~~~
今天,三姨来了我的家。她送了我两包从香港买回来的marshmallow 。她说这些marshmallow 都很特别,因为里面是有馅料的。所以,身为"marshmallow 迷"的我,当场就开了来吃。果然是超好吃的~~~我突然觉得整个人好像轻飘飘那样~~~噢买尬~~~太好吃了~~~
今天,我跟伯伯一家人去the curve 附近的酒店吃hi-tea。不过真的是很烂咯。因为那边的食物又冷,选择又少,而且连果汁和甜点都没有。搞到我回家还要自己著maggie 面吃。X他的啦!
以下是the curve 的照片:
今天,我跟伯伯一家人去the curve 附近的酒店吃hi-tea。不过真的是很烂咯。因为那边的食物又冷,选择又少,而且连果汁和甜点都没有。搞到我回家还要自己著maggie 面吃。X他的啦!
以下是the curve 的照片:
Monday, February 8, 2010
Happy (early) Birthday to Hao Nan !!!
It's my bro's birthday tomorrow.
But the cake's too big to bring to school so we decided to celebrate at home instead.
So, i called my dad to yelled at my bro to come down (to surprise him).
When he saw the cake, he gave me the "what-the-hell-larh-u-scared-the-shit-outta-me-u-know" look.
But the cake was very nice larh.
Here's the pics:
Sunday, February 7, 2010
~Summit USJ~
Today, we went to Summit.
My brother was forced to cut his hair.
After that, we (not including mum & dad) went to eat at Sushi King.
Mum gave us RM50 and said we can order whatever we want.
She said this is my brother's early "borthday party"..
I ordered a Fry Set.
Which is very nice.
And we watched Avatar.
Which is also very nice.
I am very happy today.